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Within the framework of the project Race4Scale aimed to develop educational, business, research and innovative interdisciplinary opportunities for the Finnish-Russian ecosystem of the automotive industry (South-East Finland - Russia 2014-2020 CBC Programme), Union "Autoprom North-West" holds educational event in St. Petersburg:

May 18-21, 2021 - Automotive Innovation Camp (AIC)
During the days of AIC, teamwork of business representatives with organizations of the educational system (schools, secondary vocational education, universities) will be organized to develop children's technical creativity and implement innovative projects in the auto and motor industries. Representatives of the automotive industry and partners of the Avtoprom North-West industrial cluster will present business cases in the automotive industry and motorsport for schoolchildren and students. Participants will be required to develop business solutions and innovative ideas / services / products that meet the current and future needs of the industry in a cross-border context. 

Events will be held in a hybrid format (online / offline).

 Program in English >>>

We invite representatives of the business community and academic environment, children and youth groups, young professionals to participate.

Register in the Event >>>

Pre-registration is required. The number of offline participants is limited.
Contact person: Anastasia Malyavko, +7 (911) 130 25 82,

We are looking forward to your participation!

Inno Camp